*limited inventory*
1. Loan-Words in Ancient Mexico. Benjamin Lee Whorf. 1943; 14 pages.
2. Pitfalls and Stimuli in the Interpretation of History through Loan Words. J. Eric S. Thompson. 1943; 10 pages.
3. Experiments with Rubber in Mexico, 1785-1798. S. K. Lowe and Maurice Ries. 1944; 85 pages.
4. The Spanish Word Jícara: A Word History. Lawrence B. Kiddle. 1944; 39 pages.
5. Rafael Landívar’s Rusticatio Mexicana [Mexican Country Scenes]. Graydon W. Regenos. The Latin text and English prose translation of an eighteenth-century poem describing life in Mexico and Guatemala. 1948; 156 pages.
314 pages.
ISBN 0-939238-12-8